🏆Best Practices

To enhance the effectiveness of your interactions with Knowledge Bots, adopting best practices can significantly improve the quality and relevance of the bot's responses.

1. Provide as much detail and context as possible

  • Example: Instead of asking "How do I reset my password?", provide more context like "I'm trying to reset my password for the employee portal using Chrome on a Windows 10 PC, but haven't received the reset email. What should I do?"

  • Why It Helps: This tells the bot exactly what your situation is, making it easier to give you a useful answer. It's like explaining your needs to a colleague. If your intent is too unspecific, you are leaving it up to the bot to guess what you mean.

2. Use the same language as your documents

  • Example: If the documents are in English, frame your questions in English to maintain consistency.

  • Why It Helps: This makes sure the bot can understand and match your questions with the content in your documents to retrieve the most relevant information.

3. Use the exact keywords from documents

  • Example: If you're looking for information on "employee onboarding," use that exact phrase if it's prevalent in your documents.

  • Why It Helps: Matching keywords helps the bot find the exact information from the documents.

4. Start a new conversation for different topics

  • Example: If you were talking about "software updates" and now want to know about "vacation policies," start a new chat.

  • Why It Helps: It keeps your conversation history coherent and stops the bot from getting confused between different unrelated subjects.

5. Tell the bot how long you want the answer to be

  • Example: You can say, "Give me a summary in three sentences" for something short, or "Explain in three paragraphs" for more detail.

  • Why It Helps: This lets the bot know if you want a quick answer or a more detailed explanation.

6. Break complex questions into smaller parts

  • Example: For a complex task like organizing a company event, start with "List potential event dates," then follow up with separate queries for "Select venues" and "Draft an event budget."

  • Why It Helps: Simplifying tasks into manageable steps can enhance the bot's accuracy and reduce misunderstandings.

7. Avoid ambiguity

  • Example: If a term or acronym could have multiple meanings, provide clarification: "I'm asking about the CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system, not Cardiac Rhythm Management."

  • Why It Helps: This prevents the bot from making incorrect assumptions about your intent.

Last updated