📝Manage Permissions

This section will explain how to manage user permissions within your organization, ensuring each team member has the right level of access to the Knowledge Bots platform.

Steps to Edit User Roles

Only administrators can see and manage user permissions.

  1. Navigate to the Admin tab and User Management dashboard.

  2. Click on the Edit icon located at the far right of a user row.

  3. Assign a Role from the drop-down.

  4. Click on Save Changes.

Note: The number of administrators and builders available to your organization will depend on your subscription tier. The number of consumers are unlimited. Only overall usage is limited by the monthly compute blocks allocated to your account given the subscription tier.

User Roles and Permission levels

There are 3 types of permission levels/user roles for Knowledge Bots enterprise clients.



  • Add Users: Invite new members to the platform.

  • Manage User Roles: Assign or change roles of platform members.

  • Manage Billing: Oversee subscription details and payments.

  • Manage Platform Capabilities: Configure platform settings and features.

  • Create & Manage Knowledge Bots: Build and customize bots for various use cases.

  • Create & Manage Knowledge Bases: Compile and organize information sources for bots to draw from.

  • Use Knowledge Bots: Interact with any of the bots that are publicly available or that were specifically shared with them.

  • Share Knowledge Bots: Distribute access to bots among team members.


  • Create & Manage Knowledge Bots: Build and customize bots for various use cases.

  • Create & Manage Knowledge Bases: Compile and organize information sources for bots to draw from.

  • Use Knowledge Bots: Interact with any of the bots that are publicly available or that were specifically shared with them.

  • Share Knowledge Bots: Distribute access to bots among team members


  • Use Knowledge Bots: Interact with any of the bots that are publicly available or that were specifically shared with them.

Last updated